Morena, Gita

Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 4, Number 1, 1994

KEY WORDS: rainbow, symbol, sandplay therapy, Wizard of Oz, clinical example, bridge, colors, woman, abuse, sexual abuse.

ABSTRACT: “Beyond the Rainbow” describes how different cultures incorporate the rainbow into their mythology and cosmology. Dr. Morena includes information about the structure, stories, and symbolic meanings associated with the rainbow, and looks at the origin of the rainbow as a bridge, a symbol of creation, and a promise of happiness and abundance. The presence of rainbows in sand scenes is included with photos from two different adults Sandplay cases: a 41-yea- old Christian woman who was abused by her mother, and a 44-year-old woman who was unable to sustain an intimate relationship. Dr. Morena sees the rainbow as a powerful symbol of the link between physical reality and the world of the invisible.